
Contact Sibley Orchards & Cider Mill
For the Best in Apples, Berries, Cider, Peaches, Pumpkins, Vegetables & Hayrides
Thank you for visiting our website! We hope this site keeps you up-to-date on our crops, what's happening on the orchard and surrounding area. We especially invite you come visit our orchard market this fall and get a "taste" of our country. You will also see how the children are growing up so fast, and truly beginning to be a help around the orchard.
Call for the latest report on your favorite fruit or vegetable: 816-650-5535
Sibley Orchards & Cider Mill (mailing address)
4121 California Avenue
Sibley, MO 64088
Tel: 816-650-5535
Sibley Orchards & Cider Mill (fruit stand/market)
3717 N. Buckner-Tarsney Road
Sibley, MO 64088
Tel: 816-650-5535